Testing <pre> tag and <code> tag 148A_Testing pre and code taghs.html

 <div class = "w3-container">
	<h2>Panels as Cards</h2>
	<;p>The w3-panel class can be used to display cards:</p>

   <div class = "w3-panel w3-blue w3-card-4">
      <p>London is the most populous city in the United Kingdom,
       with a metropolitan area of over 9 million inhabitants.</p>


The <pre> tag defines preformatted text.

Text in a <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually Courier), and it preserves both spaces and line breaks.

In HTML proper, there’s no way short of escaping some characters:

& as &amp;
< as &lt;

(Incidentally, there is no need to escape > but people often do it for reasons of symmetry.)

The HTML <code> tag is used for indicating a piece of code. The code tag surrounds the code being marked up. The code being marked up could represent an XML element name, a filename, a computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognize.

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